Content design
Content design and writing
If you need a content designer, but don’t need someone full-time just yet, I can work with you on a freelance basis to create app flows, website content and marketing work.
Strategy and documentation
I can make sure your brand is consistent across all platforms, and give you the right base for a strong user experience in the form of concept mapping, tone of voice documentation and terminology lists.
Hiring and mentoring
When you want to build your content design team but you’re not sure where to start, I can take the lead on recruitment, interviewing and ongoing mentoring.
Set up
I can set you up with a content management system, audit your current copy, move hardcoded content into the CMS and create a process that will scale with your company. I’ll also make sure your development and design teams know how everything works.
I work with a team of brilliant translators and can cover pretty much any language to ensure that your brand and tone of voice comes across in all markets. This includes things like localising humour and making sure all product content is consistent.